Screenshot of shiny app

Global terrorism

Screenshot of shiny app

Global terrorism


In this project, I created a shiny app which produced interactive visualization for the data set at Global terrorism. All steps of cleaning and preprocessing is shown here.

About the data set


Information on more than 180,000 Terrorist Attacks.

The Global Terrorism Database (GTD) is an open-source database including information on terrorist attacks around the world from 1970 through 2017. The GTD includes systematic data on domestic as well as international terrorist incidents that have occurred during this time period and now includes more than 180,000 attacks. The database is maintained by researchers at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), headquartered at the University of Maryland.

More information


Geography: Worldwide.

Time period: 1970-2017, except 1993

Unit of analysis: Attack

Variables: >100 variables on location, tactics, perpetrators, targets, and outcomes

Sources: Unclassified media articles (Note: Please interpret changes over time with caution. Global patterns are driven by diverse trends in particular regions, and data collection is influenced by fluctuations in access to media coverage over both time and place.)

Definition of terrorism:

“The threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence by a non-state actor to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion, or intimidation.”

See the GTD Codebook for important details on data collection methodology, definitions, and coding schema.

the GTD Codebook



Load data

data <- read_csv("data/globalterrorismdb_0718dist.csv", col_types = cols(
  ransomamtus = col_number(),
  ransomnote = col_character(),
  attacktype3 = col_integer(),
  attacktype3_txt = col_character(),
  claimmode2 = col_integer(),
  claimmode2_txt = col_character(),
  claimmode3 = col_integer(),
  claimmode3_txt = col_character(),
  weaptype4 = col_integer(),
  weaptype4_txt = col_character(),
  weapsubtype4 = col_integer(),
  weapsubtype4_txt = col_character(),
  gname3 = col_character(),
  gsubname3 = col_character(),
  gsubname2 = col_character(),
  ransompaidus = col_number(),
  compclaim = col_integer()

# For world map

world <- map_data("world")
worldmap <- ggplot(data = world, aes(long, lat)) + borders("world") +
  theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
                   axis.title = element_blank(),
                   axis.line.x = element_blank(),
                   axis.ticks = element_blank(),
                   axis.text = element_blank()) +

Data dimensions

## [1] 181691    135

First glance

##   [1] "eventid"            "iyear"              "imonth"            
##   [4] "iday"               "approxdate"         "extended"          
##   [7] "resolution"         "country"            "country_txt"       
##  [10] "region"             "region_txt"         "provstate"         
##  [13] "city"               "latitude"           "longitude"         
##  [16] "specificity"        "vicinity"           "location"          
##  [19] "summary"            "crit1"              "crit2"             
##  [22] "crit3"              "doubtterr"          "alternative"       
##  [25] "alternative_txt"    "multiple"           "success"           
##  [28] "suicide"            "attacktype1"        "attacktype1_txt"   
##  [31] "attacktype2"        "attacktype2_txt"    "attacktype3"       
##  [34] "attacktype3_txt"    "targtype1"          "targtype1_txt"     
##  [37] "targsubtype1"       "targsubtype1_txt"   "corp1"             
##  [40] "target1"            "natlty1"            "natlty1_txt"       
##  [43] "targtype2"          "targtype2_txt"      "targsubtype2"      
##  [46] "targsubtype2_txt"   "corp2"              "target2"           
##  [49] "natlty2"            "natlty2_txt"        "targtype3"         
##  [52] "targtype3_txt"      "targsubtype3"       "targsubtype3_txt"  
##  [55] "corp3"              "target3"            "natlty3"           
##  [58] "natlty3_txt"        "gname"              "gsubname"          
##  [61] "gname2"             "gsubname2"          "gname3"            
##  [64] "gsubname3"          "motive"             "guncertain1"       
##  [67] "guncertain2"        "guncertain3"        "individual"        
##  [70] "nperps"             "nperpcap"           "claimed"           
##  [73] "claimmode"          "claimmode_txt"      "claim2"            
##  [76] "claimmode2"         "claimmode2_txt"     "claim3"            
##  [79] "claimmode3"         "claimmode3_txt"     "compclaim"         
##  [82] "weaptype1"          "weaptype1_txt"      "weapsubtype1"      
##  [85] "weapsubtype1_txt"   "weaptype2"          "weaptype2_txt"     
##  [88] "weapsubtype2"       "weapsubtype2_txt"   "weaptype3"         
##  [91] "weaptype3_txt"      "weapsubtype3"       "weapsubtype3_txt"  
##  [94] "weaptype4"          "weaptype4_txt"      "weapsubtype4"      
##  [97] "weapsubtype4_txt"   "weapdetail"         "nkill"             
## [100] "nkillus"            "nkillter"           "nwound"            
## [103] "nwoundus"           "nwoundte"           "property"          
## [106] "propextent"         "propextent_txt"     "propvalue"         
## [109] "propcomment"        "ishostkid"          "nhostkid"          
## [112] "nhostkidus"         "nhours"             "ndays"             
## [115] "divert"             "kidhijcountry"      "ransom"            
## [118] "ransomamt"          "ransomamtus"        "ransompaid"        
## [121] "ransompaidus"       "ransomnote"         "hostkidoutcome"    
## [124] "hostkidoutcome_txt" "nreleased"          "addnotes"          
## [127] "scite1"             "scite2"             "scite3"            
## [130] "dbsource"           "INT_LOG"            "INT_IDEO"          
## [133] "INT_MISC"           "INT_ANY"            "related"

Deal with latitude and longtitude

data %>% select(longitude, latitude) %>%  skim()
## Skim summary statistics
##  n obs: 181691 
##  n variables: 2 
## -- Variable type:numeric ---------------------------------------------------------
##   variable missing complete      n   mean       sd        p0   p25   p50
##   latitude    4556   177135 181691   23.5    18.57 -53.15    11.51 31.47
##  longitude    4557   177134 181691 -458.7 2e+05     -8.6e+07  4.55 43.25
##    p75   p100     hist
##  34.69  74.63 <U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2583><U+2583><U+2587><U+2582><U+2581>
##  68.71 179.37 <U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2587>

longitude value appear to be incorrect at -8.6e+07. By compare the location with actual coordinate on google, it is obvious that a decimal separator is missing. The code below will fix that by changing it to -86.185896

data[data$eventid == 198212240004, "longitude"] <- -86.185896

Deal with missing longitude and latitude by using the country location as the incident location. The country location is obtained by using Mapquest API.

baseurl <- ""

country <- data %>%  
  filter( %>%

country <- country %>% mutate(location = str_replace_all(country_txt, " ", "+"))

country$location[country$location == "North+Yemen"] <- "Yemen"
country$location[country$location == "South+Yemen"] <- "Yemen"
country$location[country$location == "West+Germany+(FRG)"] <- "Germany"
country$location[country$location == "Yugoslavia"] <- "Croatia"
country$location[country$location == "Zaire"] <- "Democratic+Republic+of+the+Congo"
country$location[country$location == "Soviet+Union"] <- "Russia"
country$location[country$location == "West+Bank+and+Gaza+Strip"] <- "Gaza+Strip"
country$location[country$location == "Rhodesia"] <- "Zimbabwe"
country$location[country$location == "Czechoslovakia"] <- "Czech+Republic"

url <- str_c(baseurl, "key=", KEY, "&location=", country$location, "&outFormat=csv")

missing <- url %>%
  map_dfr( ~ read_csv(.) %>%
             select(Lat, Lng, GeocodeQuality, GeocodeQualityCode, Country) %>%
             filter(GeocodeQuality == "COUNTRY"))

country <- bind_cols(country,missing)

temp <- data %>%
  filter( %>%
  select(eventid, country_txt) %>%
  left_join(country) %>%  
  select(eventid, Lng, Lat)

data <- data %>% left_join(temp, by = "eventid") %>%
  mutate(longitude = ifelse(, Lng, longitude)) %>%
  mutate(latitude = ifelse(, Lat, latitude))

Missing date and month in the data were recorded as NA, change them to 1. Then create a new column called idate which combined year, month and date together

data$iday[data$iday == 0] <- 1
data$imonth[data$imonth == 0] <- 1

data$idate <- data %>% unite(date, iyear, imonth, iday, sep = "-") %>%
  mutate(date = lubridate::ymd(date)) %>%

Group name contain non UTF-8 characters due to foreign language. The following code will remove it.

data <- data %>%
  mutate_at(vars(gname, gname2, gname3), function(x){gsub('[^ -~]', '', x)})

Create a label for leaflet map by making new column called popmap

data$popmap <- data %>%
  mutate(attacktype2_txt = ifelse(," ", str_c(", ", attacktype2_txt)),
         attacktype3_txt = ifelse(," ", str_c(", ", attacktype3_txt)),
         weaptype2_txt = ifelse(," ", str_c(", ", weaptype2_txt)),
         weaptype3_txt = ifelse(," ", str_c(", ", weaptype3_txt)),
         targtype2_txt = ifelse(," ", str_c(", ", targtype2_txt)),
         targtype3_txt = ifelse(," ", str_c(", ", targtype3_txt)),
         gname2 = ifelse(," ", str_c(", ", gname2)),
         gname3 = ifelse(," ", str_c(", ", gname3))) %>%
  mutate(popmap = str_c("Country: ", country_txt, " <br/> ",
                        "Date: ", idate, " <br/> ",
                        "Attack type: ", attacktype1_txt, attacktype2_txt, attacktype3_txt, " <br/> ",
                        "Weapon: ", weaptype1_txt, weaptype2_txt, weaptype3_txt, " <br/> ",
                        "Target: ", targtype1_txt, targtype2_txt, targtype3_txt, " <br/> ",
                        "Group responsible: ", gname, gname2, gname3, " <br/> ",
                        "Casualty: ", str_replace_na(nkill), " <br/> ",
                        "Injured: ", str_replace_na(nwound), " <br/> ",
                        "Property damage: ", str_replace_na(propextent_txt))) %>% pull(popmap)

Interactive plot

Available here

Viet Le

Data analyst